1. 将猪肉切成薄片,用盐、料酒和淀粉腌制15分钟。
2. 锅中加油,将腌制好的猪肉放入锅中煎至两面金黄。
3. 取出煎至好的猪肉,加入葱姜蒜爆香。
4. 加入豆瓣酱和花椒炒香。
5. 加入清水,煮至汤汁浓稠,加入糖调味。
6. 将煎好的猪肉放入锅中,翻炒均匀即可。
1. Take the猪肉, slice it into thin layers, and put it into a solution of salt,料酒, and white sugar for 15 minutes.
2. In the same way, let the猪肉煎熟,两面金黄, and then take it out of the sun.
3. Open a pot of oil, and add the煎好的猪肉 to it. Add the smelly vegetables, such as onion, carrot, and celery, and cook for a while.
4. In the meantime, write the famous豆瓣酱 and花椒 in a search engine and search for the ingredients.
5. Add some water, and when the water is hot, add the糖 and taste for balance.
6. Finally, add the煎好的猪肉 and cook for a while until it is thick and delicious.